Easyship Review

Easyship Review: Is it Really the Easiest Way to Ship?

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By Ewen Finser

Last Updated on December 8, 2023 by Ewen Finser

Before we jump into the Easyship review, here’s the number one rule of ecommerce. Regardless of the type and size of business you’re running, customer satisfaction always comes down to how well you handle the order fulfillment process.

Don’t get me wrong though. I’m not saying the rest of the processes and operations are less significant. Not at all. Rather, I’m barely suggesting that all in all, buyers are mostly concerned about order fulfillment, and more specifically the shipping process.

Do you want proof? Well, here’s the thing. Most of the research studies on cart abandonment agree that shipping-related reasons overwhelmingly attribute for the bulk of the cart abandonment cases. In other words, shipping is the last thing that even the most patient buyers would be willing to compromise.

Sadly, however, shipping is not exactly the easiest thing to manage. You have to juggle multiple shipping carriers to ensure that your customers all over the world get their deliveries in time, and at the lowest cost possible. Plus, you need to have a sound framework for processing any subsequent returns from the customers who reject their shipments.

And then, of course, there’s the cumbersome job of comparing the shipping rates and policies from numerous carriers. It’s common knowledge that courier solutions serve varying destinations with different prices for every package class and size.

Now, throw in the accompanying tax rates as well as the delivery schedules and you have yourself one heck of a complicated web of shipping parameters.

Thankfully, we now have a wide range of software solutions that are specially developed for shipping management. One of the most prominent ones, as you’ve guessed already, is Easyship. And just as the name suggests, it intends to help ecommerce retailers streamline their order fulfillment and make shipping as easy as possible.

But, is that truly possible? Or should you forget about it and, instead, take your chances with other shipping management solutions?

Find out the answer from this unbiased and comprehensive Easyship review. Join me as we systematically analyze Easyship’s main features to get a better understanding of what it’s all about, how it works, as well as its overall ease of use, shipping management capabilities, and service pricing. Then to cap it off, we’ll mention the primary pros and cons of leveraging Easyship in your online business.

Easyship Review – Overview

Frequently mistaken for a shipping service, Easyship is a cloud-based platform that provides tools for managing and coordinating both domestic and international shipments across the globe.

The software itself integrates with ecommerce stores, from where it connects retail merchants with over 250 shipping couriers and services. They then get to compare their rates and policies, before settling for the most convenient plus cost-effective means of fulfilling customer orders.

All these variables are directly controlled from a centralized dashboard, which comes with a myriad of tools and options.

The tools can, for instance, help you establish not only the shipping rates, but also the corresponding tax rates applicable in each country. And speaking of which, Easyship further promises to automatically generate tax and customs documents, as well as conclusively calculate if sellers or customers are bound to incur additional costs along the way.

You could also automate repetitive tasks along the order fulfillment pipeline by configuring rules based on the product values, package sizes, product categories, delivery option preferences, courier options, etc.

And that’s not all. Easyship has reportedly gained a lot of prominence in the ecommerce industry thanks to its partnerships with many shipping carriers. This saves you the trouble of negotiating with each service individually, or maybe demonstrating your commitment by paying a deposit and signing a contract.

Instead, you get to conveniently forward your orders to different providers from the dashboard in a single click. There are no negotiations, special contracts, or upfront payments. Just secure the most cost-effective option, and then track the packages at every stage of the delivery cycle.

While that’s a fairly good way of shipping your stuff inexpensively, it turns out Easyship can make the whole process a lot cheaper. It offers merchants discounts of up to 70% on some of the shipping options, consequently reducing cart abandonment rates and enhancing customer satisfaction. You even get to sell much more once customers discover they can get their orders very cheaply.

It doesn’t end there though. Easyship goes even deeper into the order fulfillment process by working with warehousing partners. Hence, you should be able to outsource even your product storage and packaging operations to fulfillment experts. The companies are based in multiple locations globally, from where they pick, store, and process orders on behalf of ecommerce businesses, including dropshippers.

Therefore, all in all, Easyship sounds like a pretty decent shipping platform. Definitely worth trying out. But then again, these features offer no guarantee. That means the tools under the hood might prove otherwise when it comes to the real thing.

So, to help you clear up any doubts or misconceptions, here’s a review of the main features based on my first-hand experience. It was prepared after months of trying out all the tools on the platform.

Easyship Review – The Main Features

Easyship Ease of Use

One thing you should keep in mind about Easyship is that although it’s very much capable of running independently, it chooses to apply an integrated approach. The platform embeds with your ecommerce platform and proceeds to streamline the fulfillment operations as your customers’ orders come in.

Therefore, part of the setup process here involves installing Easyship into your business system. And thankfully, this shouldn’t be difficult at all as the cloud-based software comes in the form of pre-built integrable apps.

You’ll find compatible versions for all the major ecommerce platforms- from open-source systems like WooCommerce and Magento, to closed-source platforms like BigCommerce and Shopify.

Easyship doesn’t stop there though. It turns out that apart from the typical ecommerce platforms, the software can be embedded with popular marketplaces. This allows you to leverage it seamlessly on Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and the likes.

In short, therefore, even small dropshipping merchants can go ahead and join the Easyship bandwagon. It’ll connect well with the underlying framework to power your order fulfillment processes straight from your seller’s account.

Anyway, whichever version you choose for your online store, you should be able to control the core shipping parameters from the Easyship dashboard. It comes with all the tools you need for tracking orders and deliveries, comparing rates across multiple shipping carriers, coordinating packages with warehouse providers, customizing various fulfillment variables, as well as automating repetitive tasks.

That said, the dashboard design itself is pleasantly simple and minimalistic. Everything is pretty straightforward and you probably won’t need specialized onboarding to get going. Even beginners should be able to find their way around and comprehend the primary functions right off the bat.

Another great thing about Easyship’s dashboard is its neat overview of the order fulfillment framework. It provides quick real-time insights into the progress of customer orders, shipments, and deliveries.

The order fulfillment process here is also fairly easy and straightforward as you don’t have to register an account with the individual carriers. Easyship gives you the privilege of riding on multiple international shipping services from one centralized dashboard.

Hence, you shouldn’t expect any difficulties as you switch from one provider to another. You can easily capitalize on numerous low-priced carriers without worrying about signing contracts, or negotiating discounts.

In the meantime, Easyship will display all the core details of each order at every stage of the whole fulfillment process. You get to follow up on them by their delivery times, tracking numbers, taxes, shipping couriers, shipping costs, etc. Everything here is well-organized for full visibility and uninterrupted real-time tracking.

Easyship Shipping Management

Easyship isn’t just a service for comparing shipping rates from different carriers and then picking the most-effective options. In essence, this is only a small part of the larger shipping management pipeline that Easyship powers.

It’s capable of automating basic tasks, processing bulk orders, coordinating order pickups and packaging, creating and customizing shipping labels, facilitating payments for shipping services, managing product information, splitting and bundling shipments, insuring packages, managing returns, calculating the applicable tax and customs amounts, plus tracking orders and shipments.

So, in other words, you can think of Easyship as an all-inclusive platform for shipping management.

Now, when it comes to order creation, Easyship is flexible enough to kick-start the whole fulfillment process from three order sources.

You could directly import multiple orders via a spreadsheet and then proceed to process them. But if you prefer to create the orders from scratch, Easyship allows you to type in the details for each package.

The easiest option, however, would be integrating Easyship with your ecommerce platform, and then leaving it to automatically lift the information from the incoming customer orders.

Well, this is pretty much the same level of flexibility that the platform maintains on the subsequent shipping service selection stage. You get to compare the providers not only by their shipping rates (shipping cost), but also by the corresponding delivery times, insurance options, tracking frequencies, plus the number of delivery attempts provided.

Easyship software has, so far, partnered with more than 100 reputable carriers, including the likes of UPS, DHL Express, USPS, and FedEx. So, you’re bound to find yourself a host of competitive options for both domestic (US-based) and international shipments (global ecommerce).

What’s more, Easyship has negotiated with its partners for special off-the-market shipping rates. That means you can expect to pay discounted prices for your packages from time to time. And if you’re lucky, the costs could reduce by as much as 70% in some instances.

Now that could potentially translate into huge savings for both customers and businesses.

If it seems too good to be true, you can rest assured that all the service costs on the platform are transparent without any hidden adjustment fees. The rates displayed are always accurate representations of the total costs you’re expected to pay. There are no additional surprise bills along the way.

But, you can go ahead and purchase additional shipping services if you like. Dropshippers and small businesses, for instance, would probably be interested in acquiring warehousing solutions from Easyship’s fulfillment partners.

This special group of solutions plays a slightly different role than typical shipping carriers. They essentially allow merchants to store products in their numerous warehouse locations, from where they proceed to package the orders, before finally sending them to their respective buyers.

So, in the end, this system saves you the costs and trouble of handling product logistics. The companies will facilitate everything while you use your time more productively by running the business.

However, if you have the time for all that, Easyship still gives you the tools for managing your packing process. You should be able to create, configure, and print different types of shipping document combinations, including customs declarations, import tax, packing slips, and shipping labels.

It’s also possible to minimize the shipping costs by merging multiple packages into one smaller shipment. Similarly, you could split a single package into multiple shipments based on your preferences.

All things considered though, the best strategy would be automating the repetitive order fulfillment tasks.

But how, you ask?

Well, it just so happens that Easyship comes with what it calls “shipping rules” for setting up different types of task automations.

You could, for example, configure rules for automating the courier selections based on specific package attributes. The system will then go ahead and identify the orders that meet the conditions, after which it would proceed to channel them to their pre-selected carriers. It’s that simple.

Meanwhile, you get to tack the shipments through every single stage from the comfort of your online dashboard. Plus, you could set the system to keep your customers on the loop by sending them updates via email.

Then for customers who’d want minute-by-minute tracking, Easyship provides a simple status update tool on its main site. All your buyers need to do is type in their shipment tracking numbers and Easyship will immediately display the status of their packages.

Well, that’s pretty neat. And when you come to think of it, I guess this feature alone should help you avoid frequent status inquiries from your customers every now and then.

Easyship Rates at Checkout

Easyship doesn’t wait until the order delivery is underway to interact with customers. Turns out it accommodates buyers right from the very start, before they even post their orders.

The feature I’m talking about here is Easyship’s “Rates at Checkout”, which usually swings into action during the checkout stage. It’s built to give customers the benefit of specifying how they want their orders fulfilled.

And how exactly does it achieve that?

It’s quite simple. As soon as a customer lands on the checkout page, Easyship automatically makes some quick calculations based on the order volume and delivery location, among other shipping parameters. It then proceeds to display not only the applicable tax amounts and duties, but also the best available shipping options.

More specifically, each customer gets to choose between three shipping rates. Buyers on a budget could settle for the “Cheapest Shipping Rate”, while customers who happen to be in a hurry might feel compelled to choose the “Fastest Shipping Rate”.

The third and final option is usually the “Best Value Rate”, and it offers a balance between the delivery speed and cost. That translates to the lowest possible rate at the shortest possible delivery time.

It’s worth noting that these figures and options are generated after a quick but thorough analysis of all the 100+ shipping carriers on the platform. Easyship takes into account their real-time rates to accurately compare the cost and time variables.

But, that’s not all. The system further digs into the history it has had with the shipping services. It analyzes their individual performance histories from the ratings left by genuine customers over the years.

And with that, Easyship subsequently displays the average rating on each of the three options to help buyers identify the most reliable shipping service.

Now, when customers consider all that along with the tax and handling fees for each service, they should be able to make well-informed choices on the most suitable shipping carriers for their orders. The businesses, on the other hand, should have an easier time convincing customers to stick around, and consequently, reduce their overall cart abandonment rates.

Easyship Taxes and Duties

Let’s face it. Automatic tax calculation is not a new feature at all. We’ve seen it on quite a number of digital business platforms by now.

But, while taxes and duties are charged in pretty much all the countries across the globe, most ecommerce applications limit their calculators to US rates. This, unfortunately, leaves out buyers based in other geographical zones.

So, to mitigate the problem, Easyship developed a holistically flexible tool for managing shipment taxes and duties. Instead of implementing just the domestic rules, it allows online merchants to map duties and tax charges from different countries

And how does that work?

Well, for starters, you should be able to set the required tax rates for various items across different jurisdictions. This ensures that your business complies with all the legal requirements as you continue to serve international customers.

And speaking of which, not all types of taxes and duties are remitted by sellers. Hence, Easyship allows you to configure even the party that incurs the tax charges.

In some cases, the customers end up paying their taxes as part of the total purchase price and the business is left to file accordingly. Then in others, you’re allowed to leave the burden of filing to the customer. The system you choose to apply here, in the end, depends on international tax legislation within the countries you’ll be shipping your stuff to.

Now that’s commendable. But, when you come to think of it, this dynamic approach seems like it could potentially complicate things for business owners. Because, let’s face it, who can afford to keep up with all these tax laws?

Ok, I must admit that’s a fair point. But you know what? Easyship agrees too.

So, here’s the thing. Surprisingly, it solves the problem by providing a country-specific tax knowledge base as part of its software package. And yes, it comes with all the basic details you’d need about tax and duty requirements across various international markets.

Pretty admirable, don’t you think?

Easyship Pricing

For increased convenience, Easyship comes with two pricing systems. You could either settle for its standard subscription-based plans, or go for the shipping rate-based pay-as-you-go package. It all depends on your preferences and needs.

Pay-As-You-Go Package

Just as the name suggests, Easyship’s Pay-As-You-Go option allows you to use the service without committing yourself for the long haul. The platform simply grants you access to all its features and then it charges a shipping rate for each order.

It’s worth noting, however, that the shipping rates are not constant. What you end up paying for each shipment depends on the specific carrier you select, the locations involved, as well as the package’s physical attributes.

Therefore, you might want to take advantage of the shipment bundling feature for cheaper shipping rates.

Subscription-Based Pricing Plans

The subscription-based pricing plans are reserved for long-term users. Easyship essentially charges a standard rate every month or year based on the specific features you choose.

Here are the four available options:

  • Free Plan: The Free Plan offers email support (customer service), shipment notifications, rates at checkout, analytics, unlimited ecommerce integrations, 1 team member, 1 courier account, and 100 shipments per month.
  • Plus Plan: For $23 per month when billed annually or $29 a month when billed monthly, the Plus plan grants you chat support, a branded tracking experience, email customer service and support, shipment notifications, rates at checkout, analytics, unlimited ecommerce integrations, 3 team members, 2 courier accounts, and 500 shipments per month.
  • Premier Plan: The Premier Plan pushes the monthly costs to $49 when billed monthly and $39 when billed yearly. In return, you get phone support, chat support, a branded tracking experience, email support, shipment notifications, rates at checkout, analytics, unlimited ecommerce integrations, 5 team members, 3 courier accounts, and 2,500 shipments per month.
  • Enterprise Plan: The Enterprise Plan is offered at a custom rate based on your precise account features. It provides a customer success manager, phone support, chat support, a branded tracking experience, email support and customer service, shipment notifications, rates at checkout, analytics, unlimited ecommerce integrations, unlimited team members, unlimited courier accounts, and unlimited shipments per month.

Easyship Review – Pros & Cons

Pros of Easyship

  • Easyship integrates seamlessly with a wide range of prominent ecommerce platforms and marketplaces, including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Amazon, etc.
  • There’s a permanently free package that supports up to 100 shipments per month on 1 courier account.
  • Easyship has so far partnered with more than 100 reputable shipping carriers who serve both domestic and international markets.
  • Easyship has negotiated specially-discounted shipping rates with the carriers, some of which drop by as much as 70%.
  • The Rates At Checkout feature discourages cart abandonment by offering customers up to three of the most cost-effective shipping options.
  • For merchants who do not have storage facilities, Easyship offers warehousing services through its fulfillment partners.
  • Since the pricing plans accommodate different levels of shipping needs, Easyship can be leveraged by businesses of any size.
  • The platform has an incredibly dynamic tool for managing both domestic and international tax and duty charges.
  • You can easily create, customize, and print custom shipping labels.
  • The shipping rate calculator uses the real-time figures for each carrier.
  • Easyship allows you to easily switch between multiple shipping carriers.
  • The tracking tool keeps both merchants and customers updated on the status of the shipments in real-time.
  • Easyship allows you to create custom shipping rules to automate repetitive tasks along the order fulfillment pipeline.
  • The main dashboard is pleasantly intuitive and easy enough for all types of users.
  • Easyship is capable of generating tax and customs documents for each order.
  • You have the option of merging multiple shipments into one package, as well as splitting a package into multiple shipments.
  • Easyship has incorporated product returns into its order fulfillment pipeline.
  • The platform allows you to connect and sync multiple stores.
  • You can comfortably ship your stuff to more than 220 countries worldwide.
  • Easyship is flexible enough to offer a pay-as-you-go plan. You only pay the shipping rates without committing to a monthly subscription schedule.

Cons of Easyship

  • On three of its four plans, Easyship has placed a limit on the number of shipments you can process per month.
  • Easyship supports merchants and businesses based in only a selected number of countries.

Easyship Review Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does Easyship cost?

Easyship is free to use, just pay the shipping costs. No setup, subscription or cancellation fees. Save up to 70% on shipping with more than 100 shipping carriers. Easyship determines tax and duty charges for your international orders.

What is UPS Easyship?

The Easy Ship tools allow wineries who self-fulfill their orders to streamline the fulfillment process by allowing shipping labels, for supported carriers, to be generated right from WineDirect.

What is the pay-as-you-go plan?

Easyship is flexible enough to offer a pay-as-you-go plan. You only pay the shipping rates without committing to a monthly subscription schedule.

Easyship Review – The Ultimate Verdict

So there you have it. I can confirm that Easyship does indeed live up to the expectations.

The whole platform is designed to ease the burden of order fulfillment when you’re dealing with multiple carriers across different countries.

Both merchants and enterprise businesses can leverage its tools to find the best carriers for their customer orders, reduce cart abandonment, capitalize on multi-locational warehouses, calculate shipping taxes and duties, generate all the necessary shipping documents and labels, plus automate repetitive tasks along the order fulfillment pipeline.

Well, in a nutshell, you could say the brand name suits it perfectly.

Further Reading:

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